Recently I stumbled upon an entry from nixCraft about Web-Based Project Management Software. The one that got my attention at first was Trac as it was the tool we are using in our projects and that it was written in Python (a programming language I was very much interested to learn but didn't have the time; and was too complicated for me :P). I also wanted to integrate Git with Trac. I then found an entry from Stack Overflow in which the "best" answer was to use Redmine. It's a bit new to me so I decided to give it a try.


It was a good thing that there was a wiki about setting up Redmine in Arch Linux. These were the steps I did:

  1. pacman -Rd ruby (I had gVim installed which I believe makes use of Ruby)
  2. slurpy -d ruby1.8 (I have slurpy instead of yaourt) and then did the usual makepkg and pacman -U package.
  3. slurpy -d rubygems1.8 and once again did the makepkg and pacman -U package.
  4. Then followed the rest of the guide for Ruby 1.8 Environment (I've also invoked the commands that were optional) including installation of MySQL gem. I wanted to use SQLite although was getting an error ERROR: While executing gem ... (OptionParser::InvalidOption) invalid option: --with-sqlite3-include=/usr/include and had no time to find a fix for it. Also, upon installation of rails with gem, I've encountered a bunch of No definition for xyz errors in which after researching was just about the documents.
  5. slurpy -d redmine-mysql-git, makepkg, and pacman -U package (I've also modified the PKGBUILD as mentioned in the guide)
  6. Then followed the guide for Create the Default Redmine DB Structure.
  7. And finally did script/server -e production under /opt/redmine.

I then visited http://hostname:3000/. I had Redmine up and running in no less than 45 minutes. Sweet! 8)


Since I really wanted to test out Git, I then immediately followed the guide from Redmine on configuring repositories specifically for Git.


Screenshots for my Redmine installation :D:

I still haven't played much with Redmine though. I would really like Syntax Highlighting for .module files but haven't look into it yet. Redmine++! Oh, and the demo for Redmine can be found here. :D