Pandora is a really neat, free internet radio service. I am using a console client for Pandora which is Pianobar. It's lacking one feature that I wanted though in which it would scrobble the music it plays over to Previously it did support scrobbling to but has been moved. The author said you can make use an external scrobbler.

For my external scrobbler I've used lastfmsubmitd. To set it up, you'll first need to have a script that would handle the events for Pianobar. You can use the script under contrib from Pianobar's source. For lastfmsubmitd, you can simply uncomment the lines from songfinish to ;;. Leave the scrobbler-helper ... commented (or remove) since it would be replaced with lastfmsubmitd. What I have in my script is this:

      # scrobble if 75% of song have been played, but only if the song hasn't
      # been banned
      if [ -n "$songDuration" ] &&
              [ $(echo "scale=4; ($songPlayed/$songDuration*100)>50" | bc) -eq 1 ] &&
              [ "$rating" -ne 2 ]; then
        /usr/lib/lastfmsubmitd/lastfmsubmit --artist "$artist" --title "$title" --album "$album" --length "$((songDuration/1000))"

Once you have your script set up, you simply need to add this in your config:

event_command = /path/to/

Now that that's set up, you can run the lastfmsubmitd daemon. If you're on Arch Linux, you can do sudo /etc/rc.d/lastfmsubmitd start, then finally start pianobar.

Cheers! :D