Articles on “jekyll”

Migrating to Jekyll Part 1

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Recently, I read about a few Drupal blogs migrating over to Jekyll — and Development Seed. The concept seems nice as you will be writing the content in files instead of a database so I thought I would give it a try. With this, I am able to write blog posts using Vim. Also, on my current blog, I am using Markdown as my input filter for writing blog posts. Installation & Configuration Installing Jekyll was easy as I had only to follow these instructions. Did the following steps to install it: $ sudo apt-get install rubygems $ sudo gem install jekyll $ sudo apt-get install pytho...

Migrating to Jekyll Part 2

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After setting up the basic install of my Jekyll site, I then migrated the posts of my current Drupal site over to Jekyll. Migrating Drupal Posts to Jekyll Migration was also easy as I only needed to follow these steps. I first installed the extensions sequel and mysqlplus. $ sudo gem install sequel mysqlplus After this, I downloaded a backup copy of the database of my current blog using Backup and Migrate and imported it to a newly created database. As far as I know, you would only actually need the tables node and node_revisions. My Drupal site has a prefix drpl_ for its tables so I nee...